Our services encompass infrared building inspections, which offer a swift and nonintrusive approach to identifying and documenting issues that might remain hidden from the naked eye.

Infrared thermography involves utilizing an infrared thermal imaging camera capable of detecting and quantifying the imperceptible heat energy emitted by all objects. This technology generates thermal images, referred to as thermograms, which effectively unveil thermal irregularities indicative of potential problem areas.


An array of conditions such as water infiltration, moisture concerns, energy leakage, air seepage, compromised or absent insulation, pest infestations, and electrical overheating each produce distinctive thermal patterns.


A skilled and certified thermographer possesses the capability to decipher these thermal patterns or anomalies, subsequently identifying and delving into suspicious conditions. It's important to note that not all thermal patterns or anomalies signify problems. The inspection process entails an exhaustive written report detailing all discoveries and recommendations. Additionally, this report is supplemented by authentic photographs and thermal images portraying the identified anomalies.